Jeno Juszko

Henri Weil Portrait Galvano Relief
by Jeno Juszko

Marie Weil Portrait Galvano Relief
by Jeno Juszko

Study for "Faust - Der Mephisto" Galvano Plaque
by Jeno Juszko

Britton I. Budd Medal
by Jeno Juszko

National Surety Company Silver Jubilee Medal
by Jeno Juszko

Oskar Barnack - Leica Award Medal
by Jeno Juszko

Alexander Schwarcman - Creator of Synthenol Medal
by Jeno Juszko

George Westinghouse Birth Centennial Medal
by Jeno Juszko, Rene P. Chambellan

Firestone Tire and Rubber Company 50th Anniversary Medal
by Jeno Juszko, Don De Lue

Henry A. Petter Supply Co. 75th Anniverary Medal
by Jeno Juszko