References: MACo 1966-001-006, WWII 6
Medals Related to War
This section contains a table of detailed variant information. Currently, I am only aware of 2 variants of this medal. Please notify me if you come across any others or if you find incorrect or missing information.
material | Bronze |
edge6 | |
diameter | 44.5mm |
mintage | unknown |
material | Silver |
edge6 | MACO· ·FINE SILVER-.999+ |
edge12 | 822 |
diameter | 44.5mm |
weight | 64.1g |
mintage | unknown |
References: MACo 1966-001-002, WWII 2
This section contains a table of detailed variant information. Currently, I am only aware of 2 variants of this medal. Please notify me if you come across any others or if you find incorrect or missing information.
material | Bronze |
edge6 | |
diameter | 44.4mm |
mintage | unknown |
material | Silver |
edge12 | 822 |
diameter | 44.4mm |
weight | 57.1g |
mintage | unknown |
References: MACo 1966-001-003, WWII 3
This section contains a table of detailed variant information. Currently, I am only aware of 2 variants of this medal. Please notify me if you come across any others or if you find incorrect or missing information.
material | Bronze |
edge6 | |
diameter | 44.4mm |
mintage | unknown |
material | Silver |
edge12 | 822 |
diameter | 44.4mm |
weight | 62.4g |
mintage | unknown |
References: MACo 1966-001-004, WWII 4
This section contains a table of detailed variant information. Currently, I am only aware of 2 variants of this medal. Please notify me if you come across any others or if you find incorrect or missing information.
material | Bronze |
edge6 | |
diameter | 44.4mm |
mintage | unknown |
material | Silver |
edge12 | 822 |
diameter | 44.4mm |
weight | 57.2g |
mintage | unknown |
The obverse bears kneeling Jewish mother with her two girls, all wearing the Yellow Star, about to be loaded onto cattle car for shipment to a death camp; armed guard next to group of people queued up in front of car in background. Signed at bottom right, 19 © 60 / E. WEISTROP
The reverse bears shattered oak stump with green shoots, 11-line tribute to the thorough-going research and preservation of the history of two World Wars in the collection of Dutch-born American numismatist Maurice Frankenhuis. The inscription reads THE / FRANKENHUIS / COLLECTION / 1914 - 1918 / 1939 - 1945 / DESPITE THE / FORCES OF DESTRUCTION / MAURICE FRANKENHUIS / PAINSTAKINGLY RECORDED / THE HISTORY OF TWO / WORLD WARS IN HIS / COLLECTION
The edge is marked MEDALLIC ART CO.N.Y BRONZE
Maurice Frankenhuis (1893-1969) was an avid collector of medals and documents relating to the great world wars that tore Europe apart in the first half of the 20th century. He had inherited a substantial collection of documents, coins, and medals from his grandfather and built on this collection during the first world war, when Holland, his home country, remained neutral. World War II was a very different story. Nazi Germany occupied the Netherlands and required Jewish males to report for deportation to labor camps. He and his family managed to avoid this fate for 21 months by hiding with a trusted Dutch family. After being discovered they ended up in the KZ Theresienstadt where they were eventually liberated in 1945.
He commissioned this medal to be the abstract expression of the human sorrow experienced by both Holocaust victims and survivers. As he said at one point:
[I] can see in the artist's rendition the actual figures of [my] wife and [our] own two little daughters; [I] can feel the pathos of their exile as they were trapped by man's inexorable inhumanity.
The medal measures 77mm in diameter and was struck by the Medallic Art Company of New York. No mintage is reported.
References: MACo 1966-019
This section contains a table of detailed medal information. Currently, I am not aware of any variants of this medal. Please notify me if you come across any or if you find incorrect or missing information.
material | Bronze |
diameter | 77mm |
weight | 277g |
mintage | unknown |
The medal's obverse bears view of the Memorial building. Around, · DEDICATED AUGUST 1967 · / CATHOLIC WAR VETERANS OF THE U.S.A.; under building, WASHINGTON,D.C.
The reverse bears legend within beaded border. Around, GOD · · · COUNTRY · · · HOME / · · · (cross with laurels) · · ·; across center, OUR DEAD / · ARE NOT · / UNKNOWN / SOLDIERS
The Monsignor Edward J. Higgins Memorial Building is located at 2 Massachusetts Avenue in Washington, D.C., and was dedicated in August 1967, a time when America was heavily involved in the ever more unpopular Vietnam war.
I can't be sure, but the legend on the reverse can be read as a gesture of defiance by the Catholic War Veterans against both the government's handling of the war and the public's increasing lack of support for veterans.
The circular medal measures 63.6mm in diameter and was struck in bronze by the Medallic Art Company of New York. No mintage is reported.
References: MACo 1967-034
This section contains a table of detailed medal information. Currently, I am not aware of any variants of this medal. Please notify me if you come across any or if you find incorrect or missing information.
material | Bronze |
diameter | 63.6mm |
weight | 144g |
mintage | unknown |
The medal's obverse bears portrait of John Paul Jones, facing left; ship under full sail to his right. Around, · THE · HALL · OF · FAME · FOR · GREAT · AMERICANS AT NEW · YORK · UNIVERSITY · ; thirteen stars underneath; across left, JOHN / PAUL / JONES / 1747 / 1792; signed and dated at bottom, (ML monogram) 1968 ©
The reverse bears Jones holding cutlass on deck of sinking ship, three boarders swinging from rigging to his right.
This medal is the 53rd issue of the Hall of Fame for Great Americans at New York University medal series.
The medal was struck in bronze and silver by the Medallic Art Company of New York. The bronze variants exist in large 76.7mm and small 44mm diameters, the silver variant only in the small diameter. No mintages are reported.
References: MACo 1963-001-053, GANYU 53
This section contains a table of detailed variant information. Currently, I am only aware of 3 variants of this medal. Please notify me if you come across any others or if you find incorrect or missing information.
material | Bronze |
diameter | 76.7mm |
weight | 291.4g |
mintage | unknown |
material | Bronze |
edge6 | |
diameter | 44mm |
mintage | unknown |
material | Silver |
edge6 | |
diameter | 44mm |
mintage | unknown |
The medal's obverse bears a guitar playing youth with long hair. The reverse bears a soldier in uniform bearing a fallen or wounded comrade on his shoulder.
This design by Miko Kaufman was chosen as the 87th issue of the prestigious Society of Medalists series. It uses the two sides to highlight the split that ran deep through American society in the 1970's. The Vietnam war had polarized society and anti-war groups, symbolized by the guitar-playing youth on the obverse, were at odds with what had previously been mainstream culture, symbolized by the soldier rescuing a wounded comrade on the reverse.
Kaufman wrote in the brochure that accompanied the medal:
"As a whole, this artist's timely message and reminder to those who care to reflect, as we are pulling out of the Vietnam morass, that all our knowledge and philosophy has yet to help tame mankind's worst enemy—man, himself."
The circular medal measures 73mm in diameter and was struck in bronze and silver by the Medallic Art Company of New York. Its reported mintage is 1,700 pieces in bronze and 175 in silver.
This was the first new issue for which both bronze and silver medals were offered.
References: MACo 1930-001-087, SoM 87
This section contains a table of detailed variant information. Currently, I am only aware of 2 variants of this medal. Please notify me if you come across any others or if you find incorrect or missing information.
material | Bronze |
patina | Smooth golden bronze with light tan patina |
diameter | 73mm |
mintage | 1700 reported |
material | Silver |
diameter | 73mm |
mintage | 175 reported, 700 authorized |
The medal's obverse bears Americans from colonial to modern times walking, riding, and driving around the circumference, with some airplanes mixed in for good measure. In raised circular center, the American Bicentennial logo surrounded by AMERICAN REVOLUTION BICENTENNIAL / 1776 - 1976; signed with artist's (JOV monogram) at top right; at lower right, MACO / © 1975
The reverse bears square calendar panel in center, flanked by the PHiladelphia Christ Church steeple on the left and a launching Saturn V rocket on the right; Eagle holding streamer with THE / BICENTENNIAL / YEAR in its beak on top, Paul Revere on horseback at the bottom; at left bottom of calendar panel, 1976.
The American Bicentennial was a huge marketing extravaganza that caused a multitude of medals to be issued. Marcel Jovine created a thematically appropripate design in his inimitable circular style.
This is one of the few Calendar medals that were issued in different sizes. A limited edition 3.75" medallion was offered to collectors in addtion to the normal 3" medal. I am not aware of any medals in silver though I would not be terribly surprised to find out that a few had been struck. The 1970s were a time of sky-high silver prices and 3" silver medals would have represented a significant investment.
References: MACo 1975-134, Cal MA-1976
This section contains a table of detailed variant information. Currently, I am only aware of 2 variants of this medal. Please notify me if you come across any others or if you find incorrect or missing information.
material | Bronze |
edge12 | 701 |
diameter | 95mm |
weight | 475.5g |
mintage | unknown, < 1000 authorized |
material | Bronze |
diameter | 76.1mm |
weight | 265.6g |
mintage | unknown |
The medal's obverse bears portrait of Sybil Ludington, half-right, next to equestrian statue by Anna Hyatt Huntington. Around, SYBIL LUDINGTON; in exergue, DANBURY STATUE / BY ANNA HYATT / HUNTINGTON; signed at bottom, TR
The reverse bears two laurel branches. Across, COMMEMORATING / DANBURY / COIN CLUB / 20th / ANNIVERSARY / OCTOBER 1957
The Danbury Coin Club was founded at 8:00 pm on Thursday October 24, 1957. Sixteen people responded to an advertisement in the Danbury News Times calling an open meeting for anyone interested in forming a local coin club in Danbury, Connecticut.
Sybil Ludington (1761-1839) was a heroine of the American Revolution. On the night of April 26, 1777, at the age of 16, she rode to alert militia forces in villages of Putnam County, New York and Danbury, Connecticut, to the approach of the British regular forces. The ride was similar to those performed by William Dawes and Paul Revere, and Jack Jouett. Ludington rode more than twice the distance of Revere and was much younger than the men.
The circular medal measures 38.3mm in diameter and was struck in bronze. No mintage is reported.
This section contains a table of detailed medal information. Currently, I am not aware of any variants of this medal. Please notify me if you come across any or if you find incorrect or missing information.
material | Bronze |
edge6 | ENDURART INC. NY |
diameter | 38.3mm |
weight | 41g |
mintage | unknown |