Medallic Art Collector
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I make no warranties for the correctness of any information on this site. I am a hobbyist and not an appraiser or dealer and I have no formal training in either Art History or Numismatics. Any decisions you make about buying or selling medals should be based on your own judgement and not on information you find on this site. While I obviously strive to present correct information and my expertise increases with time, you should always assume that the information you find here is incorrect until you have verified it independently. This also applies to any conversations you hold with me through other media.
The entire site is copyrighted by me. I maintain a copyright for (almost) all images on this site. The few exceptions where a copyright belongs to another creator are clearly labled. If you share an image with me you have to grant me an irrevocable and unlimited license or I won't be able to use it. With a very few exceptions, for example where a museum or an artist have granted me a limited license to use an image, I insist on having unlimited rights. Why? I simply cannot track tons of different rights because it would distract me from my primary passion.
There are some images on the site that are from Wikimedia and are not credited. When I initially started the site I just made sure that I had the rights to use a certain image but I did not always record the source. Sloppy of me, I know. Please point these cases out to me and I will add credits.
I either wrote the textual content or I credit the original creator. Either way, you do not have the right to simply lift content from the site and use it for your own purposes. Ask me or the original creator for permission. I'm sure it will not be unreasonably withheld.