All Medals
This collection contains all 1058 medals that are available on this website in random order. The collection is re-shuffled once a day so that you can always start from the beginning and hope to see something new and unexpected.
Browsing this collection is a great way to discover unexpected gems and to learn more about both medallic art and history at the same time. I have had a lot of fun researching the people, organizations or events that are commemorated on the medals. I have also discovered artistic treasures from unexpected or little-known artists. If you can enjoy the medals half as much as I did during my research, you are definitely in for a treat!
By default, the Medals tab always shows 10 medals at a time. Registered users can adjust the number of medals that are shown per page in their account preferences.
The Visual tab shows all medals in smaller card format and offers a great way to visually browse the site for medals, either to identify them based on their looks, or just to look for beautiful medallic art. When you see a medal you like you can click or tap it to visit the medal's detail page. Please be aware that the Visual page might take a while to display due to the large number of images that need to be downloaded.
It takes a lot of time, effort, and resources to do the research, implement the website, and keep it going. A small contribution would be deeply appreciated!